A comprehensive hearing test is the foundation to hearing care. You need to understand the state of your hearing before you can take any steps to make it better. If you have never received a complete hearing test, we can confirm your hearing is normal or detect any potential issues. It can be difficult to notice or interpret the signs of hearing loss, so this important first step confirms the health of your entire hearing system.
If you experience signs of hearing loss, this test determines the severity and potential causes of your hearing challenges.
No matter the state of your hearing, a comprehensive hearing test provides our clinical team with the necessary information for an accurate diagnosis. This is the first step to providing high quality hearing healthcare.
Not all hearing tests are the same. The most common hearing test available is called a pure tone air conduction test. This is where you sit in a sound booth and press a button when you hear a beep. While this test is part of a comprehensive assessment, it is considered a hearing screening when used by itself. Think of a jigsaw puzzle - you can only get so much information from a single puzzle piece. As you put more pieces together, you get a more complete picture. The same is true of a comprehensive hearing test - each test is a piece of the puzzle. The more pieces we have, the clearer the picture of your hearing status. We cannot make informed decisions or make appropriate recommendations for care without the complete picture.
What to expect
A comprehensive hearing test at Acoustic Audiology takes approximately 1 hour. We encourage you to bring a family member or friend, and we’ll take the time to explain the results so you can make an informed decision. Optimal hearing care starts with a thorough understanding of your hearing test results.